Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cookie Taster of the Week: Beth & Kiki the cat

Beth is my old college roommate who just moved from 3 years of NYC to Belt, MT. (Check out her blog, ROOMMATE!) fun fact: Beth is the least boring person you will ever meet and is the girl to hate since she always dresses cute! :) Kiki is William's (my cat) old gf.
Chewy molasses cookies: 5
Even though they're not chocolate, they're good enough to eat a whole bunch of them at once. Would be good to have if you are stuck inside watching movies all weekend!

Hazelnut cookies: 4
Hazelnut flavor is a little overpowering, but would be good dunked in hot cocoa - the sweet balance would be good for these salty cookies.

Whole Wheat Date bars: 3.5
They were ok, I just don't like dates very much... I like the dough, though. I would serve them with afternoon tea. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lol, thanks Roommate! The pic on the sidebar is funny, too! hahaha
