Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies

applesauce and raisins,
with frosting on top!
how could you go wrong
with this little drop?

rating: 3.75

ease to make: 3, i hate frosting
clean up: 4

i realize that this is not a Christmas cookie but i had applesauce in my fridge so i made them anyway. i think martha messed up on her frosting directions. it has a great maple taste but the way it is written it ends up being a glaze instead of an icing. did you see!? i figured out how to make the icing more attractive! in case you don't own a frosting kit thingie you can stuff frosting in a ziplock bag and just a corner off to the desired gauge you like. it works wonderful (isn't "green") but if you can easily dispose of frosting by all means i believe you are allowed. the only complaint is they are too big. i concur. make them smaller than the recipe says

you probably thought i had stopped making cookies. i did. after finals i decided it was time for a break from everything, including, gasp (!) cookie making. it really has been wonderful having no real responsibility but i have BIG plans for the neighbor cookie platters this year so you better get your oven mitts on and get ready!!

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